John John Festival — 『Forget me not』リリース ワンマンツアー@NUPKA 帯広/北海道 2017


みなさま こんにちは○
今年もJohn John Festivalが帯広を訪れます。

今回は 昨年11月にリリースされた4年半ぶりのフルアルバム『Forget me not』のワンマンツアーです。
すでにファンのたくさんいるJohn John Festivalの3人ですが

空気に触れて、呼吸を合わせてどこまでも高く登りつめ、 呼吸を整えてどこまでも静かにささやく音楽。
弾く人も聴く人も幸せにする、それがJohn John Festival。 結成2010年1月。
1st album『John John Festival』同年10月リリース。
2012年3月に2nd album『歌とチューン』をリリース。
2013年8月にシンガー笹倉慎介とのコラボレーションアルバム『trek trek』をリリース。
森のカフェフェスinニセコ、Life is beautiful、東京蚤の市、 森道市場といった野外フェスにも多数出演。
2016年10月、世界最高峰のケルト音楽祭Celtic Coloursに出演。

Three piece Japanese Irish & pop music band
– fiddle/vocals, guitar/vocals, and bodhran –
John John Festival is fast becoming most popular Irish band in Japan.
With rhythm, melody and emotion in a genuine groove their mutual ease and happiness makes the audience happy too.
“Make us and them happy” is their musical mind set.

Their story began Jan 2010
and in the short time since they have released 4 albums,
joined 3 other musicians’ albums, many festivals,
also overseas festivals too.
illawarra folk festival (Australia, 2014)
Celtic Colours(Canada 2016)
Since June 2014, took 2 years break, they come back in 2016.
The new CD is coming up soon, produced by Shinsuke Sasakura.


中村大史 / Hirofumi Nakamura
幼少期よりピアノに親しみ、その後ギター(DADGAD)、ブズーキ、アコーディオン、マンドリンを演奏するマルチプレイヤーとなる。 tricolor, John John Festival, O’Jizo 等数々のアイルランド音楽バンドのメンバーとして活躍する一方、シンガーソングライターやバンドへのライブサポートや録音参加、アコーディオンデュオmomo椿* では芝居やコンテンポラリーダンスの音楽を担当する等、活動は多岐に渡る。 北海道生まれ、東京芸術大学音楽環境創造科卒。

Hirofumi Nakamura was born in Hokkaido. He started to play the piano when he is very young. Through his student days, he became a multi player, who can play the guitar, the bouzouki, the accordion and the mandolin. He is a member of several Irish music bands, like tricolor, John John Festival, O’Jizo and so on. He also plays as support musician for several singer song writers, bands and recordings. And besides, he is a member of an accordion duo, momo Tsubaki*, that compose and play music for drama and contemporary dance. He played at a musical “The cat that lived a million times” in 2013. He performed at Illawarra Folk Festival in Australia, and played at “WALLFLOWER” by Inbal Pinto & Avshalom Pollak Dance Company in 2014. B.A. in Musical Creativity and Environment in Tokyo University of the Arts.